Stories From The Road

I’d like to introduce myself, my name is Mark Evans and I’ve been a “Road Comic” since 1993. What that means is I’ve been putting 40K – 50K miles a year on my car traveling the country, staying in cheap hotels, eating bad food, and telling jokes to drunks for 26 years. And I have loved every minute of it!
I have to be honest though, while it’s true that I have had to stay in some of the worst hotels (Motel Hell, Case de Cockroach, you get the idea), I have also been fortunate enough to stay and perform in some of the most beautiful and expensive resorts and cruise ships in the world. I have also met and performed with some of the biggest names in the business. I often have to pinch myself to remind me how truly blessed I am!
What I’ll be writing about in my future blogs will be my stories from the road. I have performed in 46 states (so far), several cruise ships, and a number of countries and you are not going to believe what you will be reading! I still find it hard to believe what happened to me on the road! I can promise you right now that these stories are all true and I hope you find them as hilarious as I do!
Oh, one last note. Like my shows, I do NOT get political and I will keep it as clean as possible. I’m only passing on the funny!
So thank you again for stopping by and I hope you come back every week!